25 February 2021
Our world is changing constantly, our body change every minute, the weather change, the technology change, our believes change, our knowledge, our friends, the countries...
When I was a child there where not mobiles phones, or small computers, or internet... when my nan was a child she did not know what was electricity...
Our feeling change, one day we are in love, the next day we are fitting in front of a lawyer who is keeping the sofa...
When I was a child it was "normal" to have one phone of the wall and when it rang, run with excitement to answered. It was "normal" to get the public bus to go to school. It was "normal" to seat in front of a radio to listen histories. It was "normal" to pray with the family every night.
When I was a young woman it was "normal" to have one television at home. It was "normal" to have one car for family. I was "normal" to have one computer for family. It was "normal" to speak with people face to face or call them on the phone.
And I can keep going on for ever... but life is change and my son and his generation believe "normal" is different... for them it is "normal" to have a mobil phone. It is "normal" to text and not speak. It is "normal" to google any question. It is "normal" to have many divises: computer, tablet, phone, lap top, . It is "normal" to be taken to the school. It is "normal" not to pray, and so on...
Where my generation wrong? Is my son's generation wrong? NO!!! No one is wrong or wright.. it is very simple: NORMAL is no permanent, what is NORMAL is the change...
This days you hear constantly the expressions "When we come back to NORMAL", "Hope NORMALITY will be here soon"... and I think: what is NORMAL? Yes, our lives changed very quick, and in the change we discover appreciation for so many things we took for granted like:
- Be able to see and hug our loved ones
- Have parties in our houses or public places
- Go to work and speak with colleagues
And for that we could be grateful ... but I think we could stop there and enjoy the present moment, count our blessing in stead to get lost in the dreams of Normality... Our small children think it is "normal" to use masks, it is "normal" to sanitise the hands every 5 minutes, it is "normal" no have any one in the house or go to a play groups...
Life change every minute, nothing in this world is permanent... look around and appreciate what we are taking for granted at this moment: running water, electricity, internet, music, family, friends, nature... Appreciate and enjoy it now, because what we think is NORMAL today could be very different tomorrow, let's live in the present moment.
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