BE AWARE, And Change If You Want

BE AWARE, And Change If You Want

I am bored! I am depressed! I am stressed!! How many times do we say a phrases like that during the day or during the week? Sometimes it is just a habit, sometimes it is a way to call attention, sometimes it is just what we feel but when it happens the only thing we are doing is opening the door to more thoughts and feelings at the same lower vibration.

Today I would like to challenge you to be aware of your feelings and the way you speak. Next time you say I am bored look into the mirror, straight into your eyes and say: I am feeling bored but I am eternal, I am powerful, I am pure love, I could choose to be happy at this moment if I want to.

Next time you say I am depressed be aware of that, change the I AM, for I AM FEELING and say to yourself “ I am happiness, I am pure energy” and do something physical like dance, go for a walk or run, even run upstairs and downstairs three times, you will see how the energy moves in your body.

Next time you say “ I am stressed” be aware that stress is nothing different than fear, ask to yourself What am I afraid of?, remind yourself that your are powerful and that the point of power always is in the present moment. Bring yourself to the present, looking around you and saying loud the name of the things around you. For example if you are in the living room name loud: “ this is a curtain” “this is a sofa” “that is a table” after to mention 5 or 6 objects your mind will be in the present moment, at that point you can reassure yourself that your are safe and you will see the fear dissolve.

Remember the first step to a happy and peaceful life is awareness of where we are and what we feel. Have a go, try this simple techniques and if you want, share the results on my face book page: Maria Teresa James   

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