It is a very cold morning today and it has been like that for a while, but the cold does not stop me to keep in contact with nature...
In my way to work, I am always walk trough a beautiful park and today it called my attention the naked brunches of the trees... For a minute I stopped there feeling the cold wind penetrating the skin of my face while I was admiring the magnificent view: No flowers, no fruits, no leaves... only brown branches attach to the strong trunks.... and yes! the trees did not look sad, or angry or ill... they look powerful and beautiful, they where going with the flow... and I remember a phrase I heart from Gregg Braden some time ago: “every experience is just an experience until we judge it.”.. until we say it is good or bad... but if we take out the judgement from the equation an experience is just an experience.
Very often we complain about winter and the cold, but we forget that it is just a season which is necessary before spring, it is just part of the cycle of life, it is not good or bad,...
So... if you are living a winter time in your life go out to nature, look to the trees and find on them your strength to smile, to love, to hope … because in winter there are not flowers or fruits but if we are patient and stay stand up with hope like a tree, on time, spring will make their way to us and we will enjoy a new harvest.
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