The Art Of Allow
“It is what it is”, such a popular statement, said most of the time in a negative way, but the reality is that for me this sentence has opened the doors to a new positive ways to live my life.
I believe that everything we ever wanted is already there, just waiting for us to allow it to coming into our lives. The problem is we have a lot resistance manifesting in need of control and fear.
How can we dissolve resistance? Very simple, “acceptance”, and there are two important steps to be able to accept positive things coming into our life:
Know the difference between acceptance and approvall. For example I will never approve that my husband smokes because I know it is bad for his human body and because I believe it is just a waste of money, but I can accept that he is a smoker. It means I surrender myself to what it is. I stop to fight what I can not change. I allow my life to keep going happy and peaceful, it does not matter what my loved one decides to do with his, I just accept it. Can you notice the difference? And when you are in that state of surrender you just allow good thing coming into your life.
Love and accept yourself. Most of us grew up with two strong beliefs: You must work hard to get any thing good in life. You always have to do something to deserve a prize. These beliefs make us think that we are not worthy just for the simple reason we are alive and also creates the fantasy in our minds that we can control everything. In that way, in stead of asking and then allowing the universe to answer, we tell the universe the how and the when. At that moment we stop the process. For example: We want more money, so we buy the lottery ticket and get disappointed when we do not win, telling the universe the lottery is the only way to get more money. The art of allow is: We want more money. Feel the pleasure to have more money in your heart and your mind, buy the lottery ticket if you want, but detach from the outcome, just buy it for the fun to do it knowing that it is only one of the multiple ways the universe can use to bring more money into your life.
For example you want a fulfilling job with very good pay and you see the advert for something you think will be your perfect job. Of course send your application form and if they call you for an interview go for it!!! But feel inside of you that the universe is responding to your desire and if you love yourself and know that you deserve the best, go to the process detached from the outcome because you accept that if it is not this specific job there will be another even better, even bigger that any expectation you have.
Lets start to practice the art of allow in our lives. Do it step by step, be gentle with yourself, let go all the need of control and enjoy every minute of the process. You deserve the best, and remember your prosperity and happiness is not depriving the prosperity and happiness of any one. Take a deep breath and know everything that you ever dreamt is there available for you and everyone, exactly the same that the air is there all the time. So, have a deep breath and allow... life is fun
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