15 February 2021

Today I was walking in the woods, and what was beautiful and fresh some days ago, is full of mud now.

It came to me how nature never stops speaking to us if we listen... I love autumn, because of the beautiful colours it brings into our lives: when the leaves fall on the ground always make a multicolour carpet which take my breath away in admiration....

Them, the snow arrives, and the fields are all covered in white and my soul travel in time when listen the crush, crush of the snow under my boots.. The crispy cold winter mornings bring eternity to the present moment...

And then, Spring arrives with the unstoppable singing of the birds and the multiple colours of the flowers and the light green of the new leaves... everything is fresh and promising ...

But for spring to arrive, the snow and ice have to melt, and the process is not beautiful for the body's eyes.. the ground is full of leaves all brown, making themselves one with the earth. It is much water, so every thing is muddy and difficult to walk on... and yet with out the mud will not be spring, so let's choose to see the beauty on the process, on the transformation...

It is not difference in our lives... nothing is permanent. After the summer we can see the beauty in let it go what it is no more needed (as a tree), them we can live our winters in peace, but if we want say hello to a new spring we have to accept the mud which is inevitable before we can flower again....

Let's see the beauty in our mud, do not get afraid or tired...the mud will dry and new leaves and flowers will be born.
