9 February 2021
Today I was speaking with a friend about a trip we had planned to the North of Scotland but we had to cancelled because of the restrictions with Covid 19... We were speaking about how much we miss the human contact: hugs, see the faces of people, gatherings, etc and how much we will like to be able to do all that kind of things again.... She said to me "I can not wait until we can go to Scotland" and suddenly it came to me: we were missing the beauty of our chatting seen our faces on a screen, we were no living the present moment: missing the pass and dreaming with the future....
I use that frase very often: "I can not wait for or until"... and it occurs to me: What is the hurry? I look nature and the plants are not on a hurry to flower, and the trees are not in a hurry to have leaves, they just leaving the process: it is winter, time to sleep, time to let go what is not useful any more, time to make the roots stronger... plants, trees, animals know winter is not for ever, they trust, they do not judge if something is good or bad....They just been
When we are in the present moment we are always content, we can be aware of the beauty of our breathing, we can enjoy the chat with a friend (it does not matter is is wearing a mask), we can hug ourselves with compassion, we can enjoy the sound of the snow when we walk, we can admire the power of a naked tree...
Today let's make a commitment to be more in the present moment because it is the only reality we truly have.
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